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Bookbinders, Vasily (1863-1918)

Vasily Bookbinders had a sharp mind, observation, and was undoubtedly a bright gifted. His abilities in various fields of art (he studied painting and graphics), literature (he wrote prose and poetry), his energy and initiative in the dispensation of the artistic life (he organized exhibitions and participated in the creation of new associations, etc.) are not gave him the opportunity to focus on something one to devote himself chosen occupation most purposefully and completely. It seems that it can not even be sought to conclude its interests in any part of the rational expression. It took everything: the new currents in art, and the opportunity to prove himself as an essayist, and implementation of such an eternal dream of man as a thirst for travel.

In each area, which V.V.Perepletchikov engaged, he was known for, and at the same time in the late XIX - early XX century were artists, writers, travelers are more authoritative, glorified himself with the affairs much more significant. However, there may be none of them had the same set of talents, and desire a variety of accomplishments, which was endowed with Bookbinders - one of the most prominent participants in the artistic life of pre-revolutionary period, which is an indispensable representative of Russian (and especially - Moscow) culture of the time.

"Muscovites" Life Vasily Perepletchikova originally was awarded the Moscow tradition. He was born into a family of merchants. The initial formation of Basil Perepletchikov received Practical Academy of Commercial Sciences.

While in the Academy, he felt a penchant for art classes and began taking private lessons from Wanderers Kiselev . After that he entered the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, where he studied architecture.

Getting to Know II Shishkin makes Perepletchikova again to change occupation. Leaving architecture, he devotes himself entirely to the visual arts, testing their capabilities in drawing and painting. His life of that student (and later too) time - pay attention to it - unlike most of his colleagues on the art was financially prosperous, and in the early catalogs of exhibitions it (rare for a young artist) pointed permanent address: "Against Yauzkih gate Khludovskoye deadlock own house. " Such independent state, it would seem, to facilitate his studies chosen profession, but it is, perhaps, most will interfere Perepletchikova in realizing their artistic potential. He then in a fit of different hobbies never tired of myself to try other areas. And not without success, because was undoubtedly gifted.

"Famous Artist" Turning to the visual arts, Bookbinders moving closer to Moscow art among their peers, past, as he did, school School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. This Some other artists; them Bookbinders will work side by side, and later - to create a new exhibition organization.

Initial professional interests Perepletchikova were converted to graphics. In 1880 - 90 years he devotes a lot of time drawing, studying different techniques of graphic art (pastel, charcoal, pen, pencil, lithography, watercolor), is involved with S.V.Ivanovym activity in the drawing class (1888).

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artist Bookbinders, Vasily , Russian artist Bookbinders, Vasily , about the artist Bookbinders, Vasily , Information about artist Bookbinders, Vasily

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