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Sergey Vinogradov (1870-1938)

Tarkovsky Sergei Vinogradov was born July 13, 1869 in the village of Great Salt Kostroma province in the family of a village priest. He studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1880 - 1889 years) in IM Pryashnikova , VE Makovsky , VD Polenov , the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (1889) at BP Villevalde , KB Wenig.

 Particularly influenced his style of writing VD Polenov, classes with Vinogradov were allowed to find their own topic in the landscape - plein air with the effects tend to sunset lighting. After the early, mostly genre paintings, in 1900 - 1910 years of the artist focused on the landscape in the spirit of Impressionism. In 1889, he received the title of class artist, from 1912 - academician since 1916 - member of the Academy of Fine Arts. He taught at the Stroganov School of Industrial Art in Moscow, Kharkov, and in Riga.

Creative and, as a consequence, exhibit his life were very active. He participated in exhibitions of the "Society of traveling exhibitions" (in 1892 - 1901 years), the "Moscow Association of Artists" (in 1894 - 1895 years), "36 artists" (in 1901 - 1902 gg ), "World of Art" (c. 1901 - 1903 years), the "Union of Russian Artists" (1903 and 1906 - 1923,) and foreign (1906 - Paris, 1907 - Berlin ).

 The works of this one of the most talented and successful on the fate of Russian artists that are in the Saratov State Art Museum named after ANRadischev refer to the period of his work in the association "Union of Russian Artists" in the creation of which he took a significant part in the 1903 Artists' Union "united focus on achieving painting VD Polenova and II Levitan . They rallied not only the proximity of subjects, - types of ancient Russian towns, villages, estates, houses - but also a certain unity painting system. Their Impressionism was predominantly national distinctive character.

 Cultivating achieve plein air, capturing the variability of the life of nature as accurately as possible, activating the expression manners, colors and textural features, they have remained true to the lyrical and poetic stream prevailing in the Russian landscape of the second half of the XIX century.

 "The Village" SA Vinogradov 1915 is etude character: in fact, this is a great study of the average picture, full of dazzling light and sparkling brilliance, so the corresponding image bright spring day. Glimpses of spring sunshine lie on the roofs of houses, logs, yet clear the trees. Paints a vivid and vibrant. Work literally mesmerizing bravura reassuring experience natural motif. Vinogradov should Levitan is not so much how many Arkhipov.

 Compared to a few sketchy on painting "Village" second Vinogradovsky landscape "Spring is coming" (1911) differs deep forethought imaginative solutions and a high degree of completeness. This software blade full of inner significance, is clearly focused on the approval of high poetry of the manor Russian Empire. This impression is conducive not only architectural elements introduced in the landscape, but also a clear graphic quality of landscape painting, based on the contrast of dark green, brown, black crowns and trunks of trees and white snow has melted.

 The third picture of SA Vinogradova in the collection of the museum is Radischevskaya interior. He has a little retrospective. His work "At Home" features the same bright cheerful mood as his "Village". The picture is a kind of synthesis of interior and landscape: the walls and the furniture in the rooms shown in the picture Vinogradov include the external world, emphasized open, facing the external world, to the garden, which is a house. Nature freely "flows" through it, giving an overall emotional setting. The winner is purely plein-air, sensually tangible element. Major interior and full of joyous approval of today's life.

 Since 1924, SA Vinogradov has lived and worked in Riga, where he founded his own art school. He died on 5 February 1938.

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artist Sergey Vinogradov , Russian artist Sergey Vinogradov , about the artist Sergey Vinogradov , Information about artist Sergey Vinogradov

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