Female nude, Night, river, Embankment, масло, цветы, Water, Food, Russian, pears, wood, berth, женщина, furniture, birch, boats, Mountains, Green, Bridge, building, window, scarf, Clouds, Winter, Warriors, tree, Forest, Trees, Sea, River, young, woman, Field, fruit, Saint Petersburg, blooms, Village,
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Abram Efimovich Arkhipov (1862-1930)
A.E.Arhipov Ryazanschine was born in a peasant family, and not by chance life of the Russian peasantry was the main theme of his work. Since childhood Arkhipov painted "anywhere, anytime, wherever possible," as he later recalled. The boy learned from visiting painters. One of them turned out to be a volunteer MUZHVZ helped Arkhipov and prepare to go to this school. Years of training in the Moscow School of Painting (1877-83 and 1886-88) coincided with the period of the Focusing is unique pedagogical forces. Artists who have studied Arkhipov - VG Perov , IM Prianishnikov, A , K . Savrasov , V.E.Makovsky , V. D.Polenov - are the most important painters of the era. Particularly significant role in the Arkhipova as an artist played Perov , yet had earlier made a peasant theme, and Polenov , one of the first Russian pleneristov. During exercise Arkhipov worked independently, each year in the summer drove home in Ryazan province, where he wrote sketches. There are numerous of his genre paintings of the time. They depicted various scenes from the life of the peasants, "In a junk shop" (1882), "The Drunkard" (1883), "Watering" (1883), etc. The two academic years - from September 1884 to February 1886 - Arkhipov was engaged in St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts, where raised their professional skills, and in autumn 1886 he returned to Moscow School of Painting. In 1887, for his film "Visiting the sick," the young artist received a large silver medal and the title of the class artist. Began an independent creative activity Arkhipova, flowed mainly in Moscow. He collaborated with the Association of Traveling Art, which became a member in 1891, his continuing interest in the life of the village was reflected in the paintings, written immediately after the Moscow School of Painting, "gossip", "On the Volga" (both 1888-89), "Village painter" (1889 ). In the film "On the Volga" Arkhipov first came to the decision of one of the major problems of contemporary plein air painting - image of a man in the open air, are an emerging type of genre painting, where the person's emotional state is transmitted mainly through the landscape. The same problems, but in a big way with an epic sound and the increased artistic skill solved painter in the painting "Along the River Oka," was exhibited at the exhibition TPHV XVIII in 1890 and brought the author a real success story. In the 1890s. the process of combining landscape and genre scenes in one painting, typical of Russian painting of the period, going from Arkhipova in the works "Radonitsa" (1892), "The ice has passed" (1894 - 95), "On the River" (1898), "Seeing the Cross door "(the second half of the 1890s.). Deeply poetic, imbued with a mood of tranquility painting "The Return" (1896) seems to sum up the search for the artist in the field of lyrical peasant genre.
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artist Abram Efimovich Arkhipov , Russian artist Abram Efimovich Arkhipov , about the artist Abram Efimovich Arkhipov , Information about artist Abram Efimovich Arkhipov