evening, Дача, Petersburg, pitcher, шедевр, портрет, nude, strike, cell, painting, rose, boat, Channel, Still Life, city , snow, River, truck, узбекистан ǀ казахстан ǀ пейзаж ǀ классика, Roses, samovar, Park, Beach, Крым, Flowers, berth, birch, fish, импрессионизм, Лазурный берег, fog, apples, Landscape, Зима, девочка, Clouds, Spring,
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Alexeev (Syromyansky) Nikolai Mikhailovich (1814-1880)
The future academician of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg met with the basics of the art of painting in a deeply provincial town of Arzamas. Note that since the beginning of the XIX century primary school of painting arose throughout Russia. In doing so they were taught gifted children of all classes (children of serfs were exceptions). These school and then graduated in six years led it Nikolai Alekseev (Syromyansky). As the most talented students of these schools, he continued his studies at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, after which in 1839 became an academician of the class of historical and portrait painting. His paintings lifetimes in Arzamas, which include "Portrait Stupin with students" (1838), not a new finding, or (which is natural for the beginning of the provincial artist). Their approach to the paintings strictly academic style speaks only about the abilities of the young author to be cultivated. A painter works hard in the portrait genre, writes icons, illustrated books contemporaries, performs mosaic work in St. Isaac's Cathedral. His paintings of the Petersburg period of professionally written without the influence of fashion trends in painting, although the divine spark still do not carry.
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