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Ugriumov Grigori Ivanovich (1764-1823)

Born GI Ugriumov in the family of a merchant-tinsmith. His father, being a native of Yaroslavl province, possessed extraordinary abilities that made him one of the deputies on the drafting of the new Code.

Seeing her son in artistic bent, he took the boy to St. Petersburg and identified in 1770 in an educational school at the Academy of Arts.

More on the bench academic Ugriumov proved himself as a talented draftsman. His mentors were the historical painters P. I. Sokolov , G. Kozlov and I. Akimov .

The work of the young artist had success and even sold on the academic auctions (panel "Baby orgy", "Death of Lucretia", both 1783).

In 1785 Ugriumov received a gold medal for the program pompozitsiyu "outcast Hagar and infant son Ishmael in the Wilderness" (1785) and as a pensioner has been sent to four years in Italy. There, making drawings of antique sculptures and paintings of the Renaissance (in particular, with painting by Veronese's "The Rape of Europa"), the artist has achieved considerable success.

Shortly after returning to his homeland in 1791, Ugriumov was appointed professor of history painting class AX.
in 1793 by order of Catherine II, he created a large historical canvas "Solemn Entry of Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in the city of Pskov, after they won by defeating the German knights." The picture was intended for the Alexander Nevsky Monastery, and more than a hundred years in the Trinity Cathedral of the Monastery (now in the Museum). This multi-figure composition, embodying the apotheosis of the Russian prince and his retinue, made ​​in the tradition of classicism. One of its advantages was the desire of the artist to the historical authenticity: chain mail armor of warriors and clothing Pskov residents transferred with convincing precision.

The artworks

artist Ugriumov Grigori Ivanovich , Russian artist Ugriumov Grigori Ivanovich , about the artist Ugriumov Grigori Ivanovich , Information about artist Ugriumov Grigori Ivanovich

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