Water, Female nude, полет, landscape, Clouds, vegetables, furniture, ships, зимородок, Хлеб, bust, pears, бронза, Vase, Yachts, горы, music, wheat, China, Leningrad, forest, rose, boats, Mountain, Bay, Forest, дедал, Russia, лошади, птицы, Channels, Night, Altai, ballerina, dance, vase,
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Shurigin Arseny Nikolayevich (1841-1873)
Contemporaries claimed Arseny Nikolayevich Shurigin might have become had he lived in the life and art of longer significant artist. The magnitude of his talent was compared with
FA Vasilyev , although painters worked in a variety of genres. Most of the paintings from a relatively small legacy of the artist belonged to a dialed by the time the power of genre painting.
Educated in Tver, A. Shurigin after graduating from high school (1862) more than two years in the service, and only in 1865 did the Academy of Fine Arts volnoprihodyaschim student.
In 1868, AN Shurigin received the title of a free artist.
By this time, he is the author of famous paintings: "Amateur Picture" (1865), "" Do not misunderstand me. "Romance" (1867), "Modern idealists" (1868). His works are well passed the typical traits of characters and written with the express kindness to them. Undoubted talent draftsman allowed AN Shurygina freely circulate in their writings to any composite constructions. For the same reason, he has successfully collaborated with illustrated editions.
Unfortunately, the artist "burned out" from consumption after a catarrhal inflammation of the lungs. The last weeks of life, AN Shurigin tormented, leaving his wife in poverty - on social protection in those days in the country did not know. However, it is now for many Russians can only dream of.
The artworks
artist Shurigin Arseny Nikolayevich , Russian artist Shurigin Arseny Nikolayevich , about the artist Shurigin Arseny Nikolayevich , Information about artist Shurigin Arseny Nikolayevich