Кара Даг, Sea, twilight, Лето, Spring, cottage, anemones, Ballerina, Clouds, house, trees, Блок, Autumn, sailors, Bay, девушка, dish, Model, girl, furniture, bridge, samovars, painting, summer house, Ships, harvest, watercolor, Коктебель, Регата, Factory, Vuoksa, Evening, road, Bridge, цветы, water,
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Babaev Polydor Ivanovich (1813-1870)
Polydor I. Babayev successfully combined military service with classes in painting. He was a second lieutenant of artillery, served in the Caucasus in Tbilisi. X udozhestvenny talent lieutenant of artillery was seen by senior officers, who recommended him to study in the class battle painting of Karl Briullov at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Although PI Babaev has become known as the author of written watercolor "Portrait PP Gnedich" (1844), now kept in the Russian Museum, the subject of his next work more organic for the artist. He is a painter occurred once or seen with my own eyes the battle scenes. In 1846, the woman behind the painting "The Dying Soldier, passing the flag to someone saved them" ("The feat bearer Starichkova at Austerlitz in 1805") received from the Academy of Fine Arts two medals - a small silver and small gold. In 1848, the artist received from the Society for the Encouragement of Arts a gold medal for his painting "The Battle of the Caucasus at St Michael's strengthening." In the future, the artist remained faithful to the chosen topic. Among written by him in later years can be identified "Storm Akhty" and "Feat of Grenadier Guards Finland Regiment L. Native in the Battle of Leipzig in 1813." During military service, actively participated in the design of several churches of the Caucasus region. Died PI Babaev, in Tiflis. In our time, the artist's paintings are represented in a number of museums and galleries of the country.
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artist Babaev Polydor Ivanovich , Russian artist Babaev Polydor Ivanovich , about the artist Babaev Polydor Ivanovich , Information about artist Babaev Polydor Ivanovich