Boat, Day, pineapple, Mary de Marko, traveler, Summer, Beach, roof, скульптура, twilight, ship, woman, field, fish, Black, yellow, Channel, boat, Autumn, Girl, Khokhloma, Crimea, forest, tree, bathing, Quay, Petersburg, en, beautiful, Channels, grapes, Park, apples, bouquet, Village, path, river,
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Briullov, Karl Pavlovich (1799-1852)
Carl P. Briullov - an outstanding Russian historical painter, portraitist, landscape painter, author of the monumental paintings, winner of awards: a gold medal for the painting "The phenomenon of the three angels to Abraham at the oak Mamvriyskogo" (1821) and "The Last Days of Pompeii" (1834 ) ordena Anna III level, Member of the Milan and Parma academies, the Academy of St. Luke in Rome, a professor of St. Petersburg and the Florence Academy of Fine Arts, an honorary free associate of the Paris Academy of Arts. The family of the academician ornamental sculptures P.I.Bryullo all seven children had artistic talent. Five sons: Theodore Alexander, Charles, Paul and John have become artists. But the fame that has befallen Charles eclipsed the success of other brothers. Meanwhile he grew weak and frail child, seven years, almost did not get up from the bed and was exhausted scrofula so that "was the subject of distaste for their parents."
The boy loved to draw, it seemed, was a continuation of a pencil of his hand. At 10, Charles took to the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, the walls of which he spent 12 years. Carl graduated from the academy with a "whole handful" of gold and silver medals, but by demonstrating his independence, refused to stay within its walls on the pensioner's life for Excellence. V1819, Charles settled in the studio of Alexander's brother, worked on the construction of the Cathedral of St. Isaac's assistant Monferrana. His days are filled with painting custom portraits. Coincidentally, customers and P.Kikinu A.Dmitrievu-Mamonov like portraits made Brullo, and that it is precisely these customers, then went to the board of the Society for Promotion of artists. created at their request, the painting "Oedipus and Antigone" (Tyumen Regional Museum ) and "Repentance Polynices' (location unknown), Carl earned the pensioner's trip to Italy (in detail) for four years, for himself and his brother. Before leaving with the highest command brothers changed the name of their ancestors by adding the letter "unto" - they are now Briullov. With a light heart was leaving the house in the summer of Charles in 1822, but then he could not have known that he would return to Russia only 13 years old and not see more no parents, no younger brothers. In the museums of Italy young artist studying painting of the past centuries and absorbs impressions of what he saw. Subdued ambitious "School of Athens" by Raphael, Charles for four years working on her copy, hitting a result of all his skill. brutal attacks of fever and nervous tension felled him to the ground, but vigorous and indefatigable nature did not know the measure of anything. An active social life, many new people have not prevented Brullov for the years spent in Italy, to create a huge variety of products. Brullov honestly trying to "work out" their pensionerstvo, starting on the orders of the Company to promote artists paintings on classical and biblical subjects. But these topics were not close to him. In these paintings, he "built up by the" flavor, creating its own characteristic techniques, studied the nude model and did not finish them. A truly Brullov only worked on the creation of genre scenes of Italian life. For the painting "Italian Midday" (1827) chose the model Brullov short, thick juice is poured like a bunch of grapes, a woman who, captivating charm and unbridled joy of life, symbolizes the blossoming of human strength. And the same stately, confident and independent woman Charles met in 1827 at a reception. Countess Julia Samoilova became his artistic ideal, a close friend and one true love. Her beauty was equal to the running of the goodness of the heart. Brullov enthusiastically wrote to her portraits. Together with Samojlovoj Carl goes to inspect the ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum, even knowing that this journey will lead him to the top of creativity. Brullov was shocked by what he saw - the knowledge of the tragedy could not overshadow the visual perception. The artist felt nowhere else to find such a striking picture of life suddenly interrupted. Residents of ancient Pompeii his death deserved immortality. Brullov more often returned to the ruined city, before his mind's eye, rose painting of a blind element is not simply took away human lives but also bared soul.
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artist Briullov, Karl Pavlovich , Russian artist Briullov, Karl Pavlovich , about the artist Briullov, Karl Pavlovich , Information about artist Briullov, Karl Pavlovich