Military, pitcher, winter, Mary de Marko, bridge, Russian, Блок, building, Hunting, Лазурный берег, Яблоки, lilac, horse, bridges, crow, Winter, cottage, Black, ships, Натюрморт, briar, река, yellow, abstraction, обнаженная, vodka, Channels, шедевр, grapes, samovar, paintings, зимородок, young, Spring, Field, City, Fishermen,
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Argunov Yakov Ivanovich (1784-1830)
Not as well known as his father and brothers, James I. Argunov yet received from the Academy of Arts of the title of "assigned" to the Academy. It was recognized quite some merit in painting and excellence. Main teacher younger brother James was his father - IP Argunov , serf of Count NP Sheremeteva. In 1816, the brothers according to the will of the graph have been released from bondage. At this time YI Argunov works as a teacher of drawing, in particular, in the 1st Moscow gymnasium and painting portraits for a number of publications. Especially as far back as 1812, he prepared for the Acts of the historical work of famous generals and ministers who served during the reign of Peter I's portraits of the king and his closest associates FJ Lefort, FN Apraksina, AD Menshikov and others. With the skills and fame YI Argunov as it comes out of the shadow of his older brother, the painter NI Argunova . He receives orders from major Russian people, paints a portrait of Alexander I. Creativity YI Argunova, of course, was an event in the Russian portraiture of the first decades of the XIX century. Contemporaries were the major domestic portraitists as O. Kiprenskiy and B. Tropinin . Apparently, therefore, it is symbolic fading interest in the work of J. Argunova. Lost in time and the facts of the artist's final years, although his works continue to serve ordinary domestic painting.
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artist Argunov Yakov Ivanovich , Russian artist Argunov Yakov Ivanovich , about the artist Argunov Yakov Ivanovich , Information about artist Argunov Yakov Ivanovich