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Alexander Petrovich Sokolov (1829-1913)

Alexander Petrovich Sokolov was the youngest son of the famous master of watercolor painting and academician Peter Fedorovich Sokolov . Like his two older brothers from childhood he had a propensity to art. Do not end up becoming the Petersburg High School, he went to Moscow and entered (1847), the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. After two years of studying at the school returned to St. Petersburg and became volnoprihodyaschim student of the Imperial Academy of Arts. At the end of the academic year Sokolov was awarded the title of a free artist for "Portrait of a cornet Kireyeva" (1854). In the future, devoted himself to watercolor, mainly portraiture and soon sought in this form of art impressive results.

 In 1859, for the portrait of Mrs. von Kruse, portraits of her children and her brother, Peter Petrovich Sokolov , the artist was awarded the title of academician of watercolor painting. In 1881, AP Sokolov joined the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions, and since then has exhibited at exhibitions of the art association their new works. Particularly good artist portraits of women, samples of which can be seen today in the Russian Museum, the Tretyakov Gallery and other major collections of paintings of the country. Painter was often invited to the imperial family, where he repeatedly painted portraits Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna and other female members of the ruling family. From 1892 to 1897 AP Sokolov served as keeper of the museums of the Academy of Fine Arts. In 1896 became a full member of the Academy of Fine Arts.

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artist Alexander Petrovich Sokolov , Russian artist Alexander Petrovich Sokolov , about the artist Alexander Petrovich Sokolov , Information about artist Alexander Petrovich Sokolov

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