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Peter Fedorovich Sokolov (1791-1848)


FALCONS Peter F. - (1791, Moscow - 3 (15) .8., 1848, p. Merchyk Old, Kharkiv lips) painter, watercolorist, lithographer, portraitist, the founder of the genre of Russian watercolor portrait from life, displacing 1820-40-ies . portrait miniatures

His watercolor portraits for us - a kind of window into the past, through which the XXI century are looking for a long time people have left the world - the secular beauty and brilliant officers, writers, artists, musicians and public figures, representatives of the Imperial Court, generals, members of the Patriotic War of 1812, the Decembrists , officials kavalerstvennye ladies of honor, dandies. He portrayed so many that in the people they represented, whole pages come alive this period of Russian history. He created more than five hundred works kept in large and small museums and private collections in Russia.

P.F.Sokolova best works are unmatched. His name is inseparably connected with Pushkin's era. Without his drawings and watercolors, it is impossible to imagine a gallery of portraits of the poet's contemporaries.

Professional fate P.F.Sokolova started pretty typical for artists of his circle and time - he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in 1809 in the class of historical painting from excellent teachers and consummate artists of A.E.Egorova and V.K.Shebueva . For software product "Andromache's Lament over the body of Hector," Peter F. received a second (small) gold medal. Dreaming, like all artists, academics, to continue his education in Italy, and it is only right to give the first gold medal, the Falcons stayed at the Academy for another year. He again took part in the competition, but the second attempt was not successful. And who knows what would have been his creative life, if fortune accompanied him.

How much effort, time, talent would be given to "high" genre - the historical, and the place of his work would have taken the portrait genre? Do not repeat the tragic mistake he O.Kiprensky ? Creating perfect portraits, the artist actually killed himself with thoughts that do not result in any considerable historical, scene paintings, which had to immortalize his first, he lived in poverty, but pretty soon started giving lessons in painting and began to study graphic portrait, executed in the technique of the Italian pencil, and then a watercolor, which had great success. Through these portraits, his circle of friends very quickly expanded.

Watercolor painting of St. Petersburg and Russia reached an exceptional peak in the last decades of the XIX and the first two decades of the twentieth century. At a time when there were no pictures, speed of execution, ability to capture an image without numerous and tedious sessions of posing, lightness of color, watercolor was a success in higher and middle strata of Russian society.

Watercolor portraits were commissioned by all members of the royal family, aristocrats, high society beauties, top military officials, ministers, diplomats, all any wealthy. To have your home collection of watercolors until 1917 was a sign of good breeding and welfare. At that time, it was decided to book graphic portraits of loved ones, friends, relatives. These portraits were accompanied by the owners and travel and at home, they were hung on the wall or put on the table.
enjoyed extraordinary success of his "wedding" portraits. Oddly enough evidence of this are the words of one of the customers: "... we are now without you, Peter F., can not do without a priest, if he does not bless your gifted hand, then the marriage is considered null and void."

In 1821, on the recommendation of adjutant Count S.F.Apraksina with which P.F.Sokolov was a friend, the artist was invited to work in the Anichkov Palace. Successfully performing a three-year portrait of Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich, the future Emperor, he began to receive orders from the imperial household. With a portrait of the Emperor Nicholas I, an unexpected incident. As soon as the artist "had a pencil sketch outline" Emperor interrupted the session and "brush had drawn a line under the nose loop" with the words: "Take it as a souvenir." How authentic is this anecdote, passed in the memoirs of the artist's son Paul is hard to say. But, of course, it is strange that the Falcons, carrying out so many orders the court, with all his extraordinary talent and popularity have not won the title of court painter. Incidentally, the title of academician portrait watercolor painting he was given only in 1839. Not having sufficient biographical information, one can only assume that one of the reasons for the slow-known career had the displeasure, once expressed by the emperor. Nevertheless, the court orders contributed to the growth of Fame artist. Of wanting to have portraits Sokolova formed a "living place", and many had to wait until the beginning of the session for a month sometimes. The Company has chosen for himself a "favorite artist."

The artist's works

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