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Andrei Popov (1832-1896)

Received first lessons in drawing and color in the family, born in Tula Andrei Popov in 1846 was brought to St. Petersburg, and given to the Academy of Arts, where he was a pupil of M. Vorobyov and BP Villevalde .

Young artist quite successfully mastered the fine thing, getting the silver and gold medals for the image, mostly scenes of popular life. For graduate work Popov gets a gold medal and a chance to go through the Academy to travel abroad. By this time, he has frequently been the member of academic exhibitions, and his work, "The Return of the City," "Portrait of children of Yazikova", "Demyan's ear," introduced viewers to the gains in force master of genre painting. During the delayed trips abroad (1860-1862) artist works hard and puts on the court colleagues and spectators canvas, "pilgrim", "The Artist." AA overseas trip Popov was held in Paris (1863-1865) and Rome (1865-1867).

 On his return to Russia the artist's name on hearing professionals and amateurs. His paintings are interested collectors. However, since the early 1870s, the artist's name is mentioned less often, even among connoisseurs of fine art and paintings from 1873 AA Popov finally disappear from the exhibitions. By this time, begins to gain momentum Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions. Unfortunately, the way of original genre painter AA Popov, and this association is not crossed.

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artist Andrei Popov , Russian artist Andrei Popov , about the artist Andrei Popov , Information about artist Andrei Popov

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