Fyodor Zubov Evtihievich (1610/15-1689)
Eminent painter XVII., A representative of the Baroque style, managed by working within the traditional canon, to create a truly spectacular images of great inner expression. 3ubov born in Solikamsk, Ural, work began at the Grand Ustjug. In the XVII century painters began signing his work, and the name of his 3ubov certainly added "usolets."
At the heart of the creative manner Zubov -
calligraphy, subtle ornamental style Ustiug painters with their particular taste for the decorative "Uzoroche" ("Nicola explained with the Mother of God and Savior", Ser. XVII century., Velikoustyuzhsk Museum). The combination of tiny details of the letter, baroque stylistic devices (bulk material form, rhythmic dynamics of movements, emotional expression patterns) and the intense colors of sonority doing work 3ubov extremely showy ("Fiery Ascent of the Prophet Elijah", 1672, the Church of Elijah the Prophet in Yaroslavl, "Nativity of the Virgin" , the 1680s, the Museum of Early Russian Art. Andrei Rublev). 3ubova skill earned him a well-deserved recognition during his lifetime. He received important orders, and was a member of the most important projects of his time painting, "The Omen" icon for the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin (1653), wrote a significant part of the iconostasis of the Church of Elijah the Prophet in Yaroslavl (1660), prepared sketches for murals in the Moscow Cathedral of the Archangel (1670s ) worked at Novodevichy, Donskoy Monastery in Moscow and Novospasskoe the icons and paintings of cathedrals (1680s), in 1662 at a special royal charter was drafted into the Armory "to the sovereign ICONS case" after the death of Simon Ushakov led to it an icon workshop (1686). For the cathedral's wall 3ubov performed Parsuna Mikhail Fedorovich and Aleksei Mikhailovich Romanov's - one of the first Russian portraits. In the paintings of the Transfiguration Cathedral Novospasskogo monastery showed a truly encyclopedic erudition and fluency in historical iconography, expanding the monumental narrative of the events of Russian history. Free circulation to various genres, of course, a new feature of the artistic consciousness of time. 3ubov best work is undoubtedly the famous icon "Our Lady of Smolensk," Smolensk Cathedral of the Novodevichy Convent (around 1670). In this work, the performance of traditional iconographic style with the utmost conciseness of expression means there is a genuine lifelikeness image, and then a wonderful combination of a proud majesty the Queen of Heaven and earth trembling insecurity women, which gives the image of Our Lady of Andrei Rublev .
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