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Yakulov Georgi Bogdanovich (1884-1928)

GB Yakulov was born to a lawyer. After the death of his father's family Yakulov in 1893 moved to Moscow. Six years, the future artist spent in the walls of the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages, and in 1901 he entered the Moscow School of Painting, but two years later was expelled, and soon drafted into the army. He served in the Caucasus, participated in the Russian-Japanese war.

Upon returning from Manchuria to the exhibition of the Moscow Association of Artists in 1906 Yakulov showed his painting "Horse Racing". It was a success. In this and other works Yakulov, rich in color, reflected the rhythms of our time, revived the life of city streets and cafes.

In the years 1906-07. artist developed his own theory of light and the origin of styles in art, called "Theory of multi-colored suns."

Getting Yakulov in 1913, with R. and C. Delaunay in Paris showed that its searches were in line with the pursuit of modern European artists.

In the 1910s. the artist turned to arts and crafts. He designed the balls and soirees, interiors theater and art exhibitions. Together with Meyerhold created Yakulov cafe "Pittoresk" in Moscow - "constructive music hall," as called by his contemporaries, Moscow cafe decorated poets "Pegasus Stall."

By this time, the beginning of his friendship with SA Yesenin and poets imaginists.
talent in 1918 Yakulov decorator fully revealed on stage. He became an artist of the Moscow Chamber Theatre that performed with the help of their best performances, "Princess Bram-Bill" E.-T.-A. Hoffman and "Giroflé-Girofla" Sh Lecoq. Wild imagination Yakulov, good use of their experience of constructivism has made ​​him one of the most exciting theatrical figures of those years.

In the early 20's. he led a workshop theater decorative painting vkhutemasa. Do not leave Yakulov and his classes in painting, by 1920 it is written, "A Portrait of Koonen." At a meeting in 1925 at Paris World Exhibition of Art and Industry for making the play "Giroflé-Girofla" Sh Lecoq at the Chamber Theatre and for the design of the monument 26 Baku commissars, developed in conjunction with the architect V. Shuko in 1923, Yakulov received the honorary degree. Then SP Diaghilev invited the artist to draw the ballet "Steel gallop" to the music of Prokofiev. This statement was made in 1927, the artist was also the author of the libretto. The ballet was a success in Paris, London and Rome. In the years Yakulov continued to work for the theaters of Moscow, Erivan and Tiflis.

He died in the prime of his life. In 1967, nearly forty years after his death, in Paris, at the initiative of Armenian artists and spouses Delaunay was organized by the "Society of Friends of Mr. Yaku-fishing", which has set a goal to return to their homeland the artist who find themselves abroad.

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artist Yakulov Georgi Bogdanovich , Russian artist Yakulov Georgi Bogdanovich , about the artist Yakulov Georgi Bogdanovich , Information about artist Yakulov Georgi Bogdanovich

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