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Tocco Louis (1696-1772)

French painter, portraitist, a student and an artist-in-law Nattier, a brilliant representative of the Rococo. Court painter.

He studied first at N. Bertin, and then at JM Nattier. As a young man was to exhibit his work at the Paris Salon, each time with great success, winning write portraits of the Queen, the Dauphin and his wife, so that became famous not only in France but also abroad.

In 1731, he was already soprichislennym to the Paris Academy, and in 1734 - a full member. Tocco worked more from life than Nattier, and his attention to detail helped him to convey the personality of the model. His portraits are more natural and easier. Tocco honored hierarchy of genres, tending to the intimate portrait features, and use traditional forms of composition front Rigaud. In a speech at an academic conference in 1750, he recommended portraitist capture favorable conditions, giving the face prettiness.

Louis Tocco entered the history of art as a brilliant master of formal portrait. In his work with the finely contoured design features a composition sometimes hidden behind a decorative embellishment, scrutiny of the artist to the suit, his detail. In this case, the portraits are always distinguished by Tocca clear picture, and the artist is always unmistakably impressive is his model. Despite his French origins, learned in Paris with Bertin and Nattier school art Tocco is European. Portrait Leshchinskaya Mary, Queen of France, was executed by the artist in the early period of his work, when he was working at the court of Louis XV, gained fame and glory.

 Tox mainly worked in Paris, but in 1756-1758 was invited to the Russian Chancellor Vorontsov to paint the portrait of the Empress Elizabeth.

In 1756 appeared in St. Petersburg. and held it for eighteen months, during which performed several portraits of the Empress Elizabeth. Two of them, in all growth - in the Romanov Gallery of the Winter Palace and the Grand Palace at Tsarskoye Selo, one knee - in the Alexander Palace at Tsarskoye Selo and the other knee - the Palace of Versailles near Paris.

In Russia, he also performed with the triumph of portraits of distinguished persons - t. K. Razumovsky, c. IG Chernyshev and others.

While working at the Russian court enjoyed tremendous success there. Inherent Tocco art of painting, fine cold silvery colors had a significant influence on the formation of such Russian masters as Roars and Levitsky .

On the way back from Russia to Paris, where he returned in 1760, stopped in Copenhagen and wrote portraits of the Danish king, queen and prince of some of their home. In 1769 again visited Copenhagen, and was elected to membership in there the academy. In Paris, he returned in 1759, but soon abandoned painting classes. Other famous works: "Madame d'Angers, the wife of General Francois Balthazar d'Angers Dyufe." 1753. Louvre, Paris; "Portrait of Madame Duaygen." Carnavalet Museum, Paris; "Portrait of Countess EA Golovkina." 1757. The Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

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