Lilac, Park, statue, Forest, holiday, mushrooms, акварель, service, picture, восток, сирень, Vase, sea, girl, tsigane, rally, розы, красота, bouquet, скульптура, Night, Boat, home, city , ships, crowd, stick, trees, mountains, Green, truck, China, temple, Saint Petersburg, forest, девушка, Model,
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Nikonov, Paul F. (Rod.1930)

Painter. Portraitist, landscape, genre painter.
In 1949-1956 he studied at the Moscow State Art Institute named
after VI Surikov from PP Sokolov-Scalia. A member of the "Group of Eight".
Nikonov Getting creative career evolved successfully. His thesis "October" (1956) was awarded a separate article in the journal "Creation", which was written by the classic social realism PP Sokolov-Scalia. "October" was the decoration of the Research Museum of the Academy of Arts in Leningrad. In addition, one of the first independent works of the artist was acquired
AADeineka whose works shown in the solo exhibition in 1957, contributed to the formation of an individual manner of the young wizard.
PF Nikonov - one of the artists who have launched the "severe style."
In the early 1970s, moved away from this trend and became interested in the art of the primitive. The scope of his interests was mainly genre. The main place to work Nikonov is the theme of Russian villages, over which the artist works to this day. The existence of the modern village of Nikonov perceives as a drama of historical destiny of the Russian peasantry. Expressive brushwork and color saturation of emotional significance attached externally simple subjects of his paintings.
He teaches at the Moscow State Art Institute named after
VI Surikov . Laureate of the State Prize of Russia, member of the Academy of Arts.
Nikonov picture presented in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, the museums and private collections in other cities of Russia, at the National Gallery of Sofia (Bulgaria).
The artworks
artist Nikonov, Paul F. , Russian artist Nikonov, Paul F. , about the artist Nikonov, Paul F. , Information about artist Nikonov, Paul F.