Monier, Jean-Laurent (1743-1808)French portrait painter, court painter of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette. Repeatedly exhibited at the Paris Salon. In 1795 (6?) Arrived in St. Petersburg.
The artworks |
Russia, bunny, крепость, Санкт-Петербург, flowers, machines, card, flower, Fortress, harvest, table, Коктебель, vase, statue, Horse, Пейзаж, Russian, ships, Butterflies, Mountain, Регата, Table, Evening, Sky, Forest, Vase, masterpiece, шедевр, натюрморт, Girl, boats, Home, Field, Meadow, импрессионизм, Blue, fish, code at our gallery
artist Monier, Jean-Laurent , Russian artist Monier, Jean-Laurent , about the artist Monier, Jean-Laurent , Information about artist Monier, Jean-Laurent