Miodushevsky Ivan Osipovich (1831-1910)An auditor student of the Academy of Fine Arts. Got the coin:
The artworks |
Egypt, Quay, garden, crowd, People, boats, forest, Autumn, красота, vase, лето, fall, Summer, Saint Petersburg, Лазурный берег, Russian, обнаженная, marina, солнце, River, Spring, крепость, Channels, bouquet, fisherman, Mary de Marko, Bay, people, Table, розы, Sea, fruit, импрессионизм, натюрморт, timber, Gatchina, surly, code at our gallery
artist Miodushevsky Ivan Osipovich , Russian artist Miodushevsky Ivan Osipovich , about the artist Miodushevsky Ivan Osipovich , Information about artist Miodushevsky Ivan Osipovich