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Tarasovich Alexei Markov (1802-1878)

In 1865, Alexei Markov Tarasovich was awarded the title of Distinguished Professor of the Academy of Fine Arts. This decision was confirmed by high artistic skill of the painter and his extraordinarily effective teaching activities. He loved the students of the Academy, was trying to help those in need of them. Academics were grateful for that teacher and willingly chose AT Markov your supervisor.

 Born in Novgorod in the family of a watchmaker, the young Alexei Markov in childhood showed a great ability to art. In eleven years, he became a pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts. Among his teachers were the famous artists and teachers of A. Egorov , Andrey Ivanov and V. Shebuev . Cloth graduate of the Academy "Priam Asking Achilles Hector's corpse," earned him a 1824 small gold medal. In 1830, at the tender picture "before his death, Socrates talks to students about the immortality of the soul," Markov receives a gold medal and the right to a pensioner's trip abroad. On a business trip, he only works a lot: a copy of the great masters graced museums of St. Petersburg, a masterful artist and performed a number of independent films. For one of them - "Fortune and the Pauper", purchased by Emperor Nicholas I, AT Markov was awarded the title of Academician.

Great was the work of the painter to create images and pictures for the main churches and churches of St. Petersburg. The composition of Tri-hypostatic God AT Markov for the lower dome of the dome of the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior reached, according to contemporaries such heights of skill, which reached a few artists of all time. (Unfortunately, the composition has not been implemented for some reason in the painting of the church.)

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artist Tarasovich Alexei Markov , Russian artist Tarasovich Alexei Markov , about the artist Tarasovich Alexei Markov , Information about artist Tarasovich Alexei Markov

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