Night, cottage, ships, working, лето, дедал, forest, Grey, Lilac, Still Life, Snow, Flowers, Female nude, nude, акварель, USSR, truck, Village, embankment, Франция, tsigane, Fontanka, Pond, samovar, naturschitsa, река, скульптура, evening, портрет, Khokhloma, candlestick, девочка, Ship, Mountains, fall, шедевр, Road,
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Petro Basin (1793-1877)
Creativity PV Basin is characteristic of the artist Russian academic school in the middle of the XIX. From the St. Petersburg Academy of Fine Arts Basin has been linked most of my life. Her drawing classes he began attending eighteen boys as a foreign student and completed his education, doing historical painting in VK Shebuev . Grand Gold Medal received for the painting "Christ cast out of the temple selling" (1818), gave him the right to a pensioner's trip to Italy. Italian is the most interesting period in the work of Basin. At this time, along with academic compositions ("Faun Marsyas Olympia teaches youth playing the flute", 1821, "Susanna that is caught elders in the bath", 1822, and others), he paints portraits ("Sylvia. Shchedrin", 1822; "Unknown to the girl," 1822, "Claudine Nantes", 1827), genre ("The Italian brigand," 1822, "The earthquake in Rocca di Papa, near Rome", 1830, and others), landscapes ("Evening landscape ... "" Landscape with a herd of goats "," View near Subiaco, "all of 1820, and others). Of particular interest are the picturesque sketches from nature, in which the artist sought to truthfully convey the state of a particular time of day, the lighting and color relationships. The formulation of these problems describes him as a master, not of alien influence iskusstva.Romanticheskaya romantic style is palpable and the most famous, the most significant picture Basin, written on the subject of ancient history - "Socrates at the Battle of Potidea protects Alcibiades" (1826-28). This picture after a successful show in Rome was sent to St. Petersburg on the ship. On the way the ship was wrecked, and the canvas was severely flawed. Back in Russia, Basin in the early 1830s. fundamentally altered the picture, and then donated it to the Academy of Fine Arts (now Museum). At home Bassin almost immediately began teaching at the Academy of Arts and successfully engaged in this activity for almost forty years (1831 - 69), regularly getting orders and the next rank. In retirement he went Distinguished Professor of I degree in painting historical and portrait, the actual state sovetnikom.Nichego bright, outstanding in the years he has created. Wrote some good portraits, early dead wife OV Basin (1837-38), P. Samoilova (1839), his six children (mid 1850), and others, as well as a genre picture in the spirit of the school Venetsianov " attic of the building of the Academy of Fine Arts "(early 1830). Same dominant position in the artist's 1830-50's. is a monumental work of both religious and secular. Among them cover "Apollo and the Muses" (1832-33) for the hall of the Academy of Arts, Pompeian painting Gallery of the Winter Palace (made with FI Wunder-spirited in 1837-39 gg.), "The Annunciation" for the Royal Doors of the Cathedral of All educational institutions (Minimum 1833), "Presentation in the Temple" for the altar of the Cathedral of Kazan (1841), etc.
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artist Petro Basin , Russian artist Petro Basin , about the artist Petro Basin , Information about artist Petro Basin