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Bergholz, Richard A. (1865-1920)

In 1880, Russia was founded Circle of Russian watercolors, which in 1887 was transformed into the Russian Society of watercolors,'s main goal is "to promote the success and development of watercolor painting in Russia." An active member of the Society and at one time it was chaired by Richard A. Bergholz, received a solid education in Naples at F. Peluso, in Paris at the AP Bogolyubov , in Dusseldorf in E. Dyukkera and graduated at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg (1888-1889).

Artist's work drew in watercolor, with which he created a wonderfully picturesque scenery: "Fishing village Peytgof," "Early in the morning," "Landscape with a mill," "Sunrise," "Sailboats", "spring. Evening at the Lido" "Before the Storm", "April evening," "Spring Awakening," "The Kingdom of swans." Most of his works RA Bergholz exhibited at the Society of Russian exhibitions of watercolors, the members of which, by the way, could only be "artists living in Russia and declared worthy of mention for his work himself."

In 1905 the artist was awarded the title of academician that, given the high public profile, and activities for the benefit of art allowed RA Bergholz in 1912 to become a full member of the Academy of Fine Arts. Note that RA was born Bergholz in Petersburg, died in St. Petersburg, not much survived closed by order of the CPC Academy of Arts (1918) and to cease their activities beloved Russian Watercolour Society (1917).

  RA Bergholz belongs to the masters of Russian landscape school abroad XIX - XX centuries. In his works, the artist developed a line of lyrical landscape. The favorite motifs of his paintings and watercolors, usually aged in muted colors, were volatile state of nature - spring and autumn landscapes in which the Bergholz sought impression of immediacy of live transmission of the workshop nature of perception of light and air. His works are in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, the Museum of the Academy of Fine Arts, in many regional museum collections. In the late XIX - early XX centuries. often in Estonia, resting on the beach in Sillamyagah Narva, where he painted many watercolor paintings and sketches.

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artist Bergholz, Richard A. , Russian artist Bergholz, Richard A. , about the artist Bergholz, Richard A. , Information about artist Bergholz, Richard A.

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