Bridge, утро, Ships, крым, композиция, night, gray, Field, Autumn, Poppies, Park, акварель, Boat, Россия, Sky, viburnum, forest, скульптура, tree, Mountains, Girl, samovars, rose, Блок, bathing, mermaid, tsigane, Garden, крепость, Characters, sky, birch, Chart, yellow, masterpiece, pears, window,
 code at our gallery
Gine Alexander (1830-1880)

Gine Alexander (1830-1880) - Russian landscape painter, draftsman, lithographer.
studied at the Kazan gymnasium along with Ivan Shishkin , who was friends with all my life.
Since the second half of the 1850s. to 1865 - an auditor student of Arts, he studied with
S.M.Vorobeva .
in 1858 and 1859 together with Ivan Shishkin and
P.P.Dzhoginym visited the island of Valaam.
received medals: in 1857 and 1858 two second, in 1859 - first silver for "View of Gulf of Finland" in 1860 - the second gold for "View of Valaam."
In 1865 he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts with the title of the class artist 1st degree.
In 1878 awarded the title of academician of the Academy of Arts.
exhibitions at the Academy of Arts from 1858 (1859, , 1860, 1861, 1862 et seq.)
Exhibitor drawings and prints in the Arts (1912-13).
The works were exhibited works of Russian artists from the private collections in Leningrad (1954), Kiev (1958), Minsk (1961-62). Lived, worked and died in St. Petersburg.
Presented at the State Russian Museum, State Tretyakov Gallery, Irkutsk, Penza, Tver Regional Art Gallery, State Museum of Art in Kazan.
The artworks
artist Gine Alexander , Russian artist Gine Alexander , about the artist Gine Alexander , Information about artist Gine Alexander