sky, Autumn, Bridge, painting, furniture, Evening, landscape, Ship, Night, Fishermen, Pond, Bay, tree, ships, home, Lilac, Bananas, samovars, cottage, flowers, vase, Историческая картина, crow, Gambling, Field, Река, apples, paintings, trees, boy, восток, nude, скульптура, акварель, Sky, pitcher, River,
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Nikolai Ivanovich Fechin

"The striking power of feeling so typical of the Russian" were delighted American audiences in 1910, when he first saw the portraits created by NI Feshin.
His father, an engraver, iconography, began early attract the boy to his work. In the fourteen years Feshin entered the Kazan Art School, and in 1901, on her recommendation was accepted into the Graduate School of Arts at the Academy of Arts, where he joined the studio of I. Repin .
Having received from the teacher of his late style wide free stroke, based on the original ownership pattern, Feshin found an original gift colorist, deliberately limited his palette of paint.
Recent years have witnessed the recognition of academic feshinskogo talent, "Portrait of an Unknown" (1908) was acquired by the Museum of Arts and the following year won a gold medal at the international exhibition in Munich, competitive program, "cabbage" (1909) earned him the title of the artist and the right to a pensioner's trip which limited the Feshin few summer months in 1910, the fall he returned to teaching at the Kazan Art School.
Since 1909 Feshin - a permanent participant of international exhibitions in Europe and the United States (Pittsburgh), in 1916 he became a member of the Association of Traveling Art and received the title of academician of painting.
During these years, he created the most significant works: "Portrait of the Wari Adoratskogo" (1914 ) is one of the best children in the art of the turn of the century, "Portrait NM Sapozhnikova" (1916), "Portrait of Father" (1918).
After the revolution Feshin completed begun in 1912 by the grim story and a color picture of the expression "Slaughterhouse" (1919).
emigrating to the United States in 1923, the artist has worked on custom portraits, performing them in his brilliant technique. Here, in a peculiar manner reminiscent of schedule H. Holbein, has created an extensive series of drawings of the local ethnic group.
The artworks
artist Nikolai Ivanovich Fechin , Russian artist Nikolai Ivanovich Fechin , about the artist Nikolai Ivanovich Fechin , Information about artist Nikolai Ivanovich Fechin