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Shibanov Michael (? -1789)


For information about the life and work of Michael Shibanov extremely scarce. Know neither its origin or date of birth or education. It is known that the artist worked on private orders in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Apparently, he noticed and took with him to the new Russian land-powerful Count Potemkin, for they were discovered documents in which Michael Shibanov was called the "painter of his lordship." It is known that the image of the artist performing and writing iconostasis for churches southern cities of Russia. There are some known painting by M. Shibanov the second half of the XVIII century.

First of all there are two paintings of the artist, in which he portrayed the two scenes from the life of the peasants, "Peasant food" (1774) and "Wedding Feast of the treaty" (1777). The pictures do not only bear the distinct artistic merit, but also unique for its time on the subject portrayed - in the XVIII century in the national fine art farmers simply did not write. latest evidence about the life of M. Shibanov refers to 1789: the artist is drawn to the office with the request of Catherine II the appointment of his salary. About the response or action of the imperial administration history is silent - perhaps even nominated.


The artist's works

artist Shibanov Michael , Russian artist Shibanov Michael , about the artist Shibanov Michael , Information about artist Shibanov Michael

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