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Hudyakov Vasily (1825-1871)

Hudyakov (Vasily, 1825 - 1871) - the historical, portrait and genre painter, he began to study at the Stroganov School of Technical Drawing in Moscow, where a half later, he moved to the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Here his closest mentor was Professor FS Zavyalov , who invited him to his assistants in tie-dye Saints Senya in the Kremlin Palace.

 Even when he was at the Moscow School, H., for sending me to the Imperial Academy of the work was awarded to her a large silver medal.

In 1848, he moved to St. Petersburg and entered volnoprihodyaschim student at the Academy, but hastened to take the certificate to the title of a free artist, to which entitled him to the said medal, and after that lost the opportunity to compete for the gold medal.

 In St. Petersburg, he wrote mainly portraits and images for private orders in 1851 for a portrait of the rector of architecture AI Melnikov (located in the conference hall of the Academy) was named academician.

After they were executed, besides portraits of various faces and images for the church in Tula Cadet Corps and other churches, paintings, "The Finnish Smugglers" (located at the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow), "The persecution of Christians in the East" (acquired by Tsar Nicholas I for the gift Greek King Otto), and "The Battle of Kulikovo" (bought by Mr. KHLUDOV, in Moscow). In 1857, H. went to Italy, where he spent living mainly in Rome and Naples for four years - as long as the Moscow Society of Lovers of Art, in 1860, did not cause him for the position of teacher in the School of Painting tamoshnem , Sculpture and Architecture. In the same year, after written in Italy, commissioned by Count GA Kushelev-Bezborodko picture of the Roman national life "Bowls", Academy H. erected in the title of professor. In Moscow, he spent a short time and returned to St. Petersburg, he was with his works on academic exhibitions until his death, which followed from cholera. Among these works deserve to be mentioned: "Herodias and her daughter, waiting for the head of Saint John the Baptist" (1861), "A secret visit" (1862), "Candioti awaiting the arrival of the steamer Arkadion" (1867) and "Kazan queen Syuyunbeka leaving the Kazan "(1870). H. did not have a particularly resourceful imagination, but it was a fine draftsman and colorist, though somewhat florid, but who knew how to play hard and achieve great relief shown.

However, the last of his paintings is much weaker than those that are written in Italy and in the early days after returning from her. Of his works, which are in public collections, one can point to several studies, written in oils and two watercolors, "Russian artists at the carnival in Rome" and "Teaching in Italian church," at the Museum of Emperor Alexander III, in St. Petersburg, on the aforementioned "Finnish Smugglers", the painting "at the tomb" and "A Study in Olevano, near Rome," in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

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