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Hudoyarov Vasily Pavlovich (1829-1892)

As a professional painting Vasily Hudoyarov came not boys. Only in 1862 he became a student of the Academy of Fine Arts. In the same year, who had some experience in drawing and depictions of academics gets two small silver coin. In the next - two big coin of the same precious metal. Not much point in further stay in the Academy of V. Hudoyarova was not, so he did not mind when in 1865 he was promoted to class artist (according to other sources - the title of the class artist third degree).

 In subsequent years, VP Hudoyarov actively worked his skill increased, he was actively involved in academic exhibitions. The main preferences in the work of the painter were home portrait and rural landscapes. We list some of the exhibited work: 1876 - Fisher, 1879 - Portrait of Princess ON Amilakhvari, 1882 - Boy, considering the stereoscopic picture, 1884 - The Country Girl, 1887 - Brook in the wilderness, rural courtyard. Maybe about creativity VP Hudoyarova can say quite prosaic words of the well-known proverb: "He was drinking from a small cup, but his."

The artworks

artist Hudoyarov Vasily Pavlovich , Russian artist Hudoyarov Vasily Pavlovich , about the artist Hudoyarov Vasily Pavlovich , Information about artist Hudoyarov Vasily Pavlovich

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