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Belsky Alexei Ivanovich (1730-1796)

Alexei Ivanovich Belsky came from a fairly large family of painters. It is known that his two brothers (John and Yefim) and nephew (Michael), as does Alex Belsky, left a memory for its picturesque (though not many) works. Probably much of the inclinations of the Bielski brothers helped their father's position - the master lacquer Affairs Armory. It was there that made the first artistic steps brothers, getting a picturesque education and primary skill.

Alexei Belsky starts to work independently sometime in 1756, when he performs several allegorical paintings (such as "Astronomy"). He has been involved in the internal finishing works at the completion of the building of the Academy of Fine Arts.

It is interesting to his involvement in the design of the Educational Society for Noble Maidens (Smolny Institute), for which he played in 1771, four decorative panels, the names of which may have a different content would be useful to place in our modern educational institutions subsidiarity: "Do not lie! Do no harm to any animal, and not embitter him, do not ever be CELEBRATE! Do not do evil, and do not annoy anyone! " (Panels, fortunately preserved in the collection of the State Russian Museum).

And further work, in many ways typical of the artists - contemporaries AI Belsky. Education of young Russian talent, participated in the design of palaces and churches, the design is also becoming to his feet in the Russian opera and ballet performances.

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artist Belsky Alexei Ivanovich , Russian artist Belsky Alexei Ivanovich , about the artist Belsky Alexei Ivanovich , Information about artist Belsky Alexei Ivanovich

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