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Pymonenko Kornilovich Nicholas (1862-1912)

Born in Kiev, Nicholas Kornilovich Pymonenko received primary (perhaps, and basic) art education (1876-1882) at the Kyiv School of Drawing NI Spine. From 1882 to 1884 N. Pymonenko was at the Pedagogical Academy of Arts courses. Unfortunately, the health of the young artist did not allow him to fully carry out its program of stay in St. Petersburg. Having a small and a large incentive certificate and medal for the title of an art teacher, N. Pymonenko serving in Kiev, where he teaches at the Kyiv School of Drawing NI Murashko and the Kiev Art School.

 However, he does not forget to paint, which is constantly increasing their skills. Topics for their household paintings, he takes from the life around him Little Russians. An interesting list of the names of his paintings at the annual exhibitions of academic "Zasvatannaya" (1886), "On Maundy Thursday," "Separated", "On vacation", "The Artist" (all - 1887), "Christmas divination" (1888) "Athanasius I. Nikiforovna and sows" (1889). In 1891, for the painting "The Wedding in the province of Kiev" and "Resurrection Morning" NK Pymonenko received the title of honorary member of the Academy of Fine Arts. In 1904 he was awarded the title of Academician.

 NK Pymonenko actively involved in public artistic life. The artworks are purchased by collectors willingly, and even the Louvre in a hurry to become the owner of one of the paintings of the painter - in 1909 he bought "Gopak" NK Pymonenko.

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artist Pymonenko Kornilovich Nicholas , Russian artist Pymonenko Kornilovich Nicholas , about the artist Pymonenko Kornilovich Nicholas , Information about artist Pymonenko Kornilovich Nicholas

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