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Vladimir Merkulov (1962)

He was born on August 1, 1962 in the city of Kursk. 1979-1983 - studied and graduated MOGIFK.
in 1990 met with the artist Lev Mikhailovich Ryabov, started painting in 1994 and enrolled at the Art Institute of Creativity M.V.Konchalovskogo the faculty of painting, studied for 4-year volunteer on the course of Honored Artist of Russia AA Vorobiev, and then two years in the studio AA Volkov. In 1997 he became a member of the International Federation of Artists and the Creative Union of Artists of Russia. since 2006 a member of the PSC. , 1995, 1996. OT Museum S.Esenina. Moscow student VZ-1997 House of Architects, Moscow student; -1998. OT Home Cinema on Brest. Student. , 1999 Youth Ministry of Agriculture, Exhibition Hall "Kuznetsk Bridge" USDA, Moscow; -2000 "Exhibition of Moscow Painters" OT "The Ark", Nemchinova12. 2000g.Vystavochny-room MOSH "Krutitskii shaft" "AA Volkov and students" , 2000-MOSH Krutitskii shaft MOSH - "VN Merkulov and Students"; - OT "House Nashchekina", "Slavic Bridge"; MSKH.Rabota the museum g.Banya Luka. Serbia; - 2000 "Golden Brush", the 10-yubeleynaya, CHA, MSKH.Moskva. - 2002g.v Ljuberetsky museum, - 1997-2006g.Muzee history and culture p.Malahovka, - 2002. "5th House," Mr. . Zhukovsky Situated near Moscow Artists - 2002. Ivanteevka. Teachers hud.shkol - 2006 Gallery "Solianke" TLC Russia, Moscow. - 2007 GD "On Kashirka" "Our painters." Moscow , March 2007 Moscow International Art Salon CHA-2007. Moskva.TsDH - from 31.08.2007 on 16.09.2007g GD "Vyhino" "Moscow and Muscovites" On 27.12.2007 at 13.01.2008g.Vystavochny hall "At Kashirke" Christmas. "Gallery" Our painters " from March 23 to April 6, 2008. "Spring Marathon" Gallery "Our painters" in the exhibition hall "Gallery Belyaevo" in Moscow in September 2008. Eshibition "Vyhino" from September 23 to October 5, 2008 Artist Foundation "Teacher and Student" From 01.10 till 04.10.2008g. "Kuznetsk Bridge 11" International Week of Arts. International Painting Competition. along with 09.10.2008g 19.10.2008g. International Fair in Monaco. 05.12 on 21.12.2008 with the Central House of Artists "Christmas Gift Fair " His works are in private collections in Russia and abroad. (Ukraine, Portugal, Germany, Serbia) at the Museum of g.Bana Luke Serbia. 1997g.sozdal in children's art studio "Olympia" at the Museum of History and Culture Section Malahovka In 2000g.Hudozhestvennoe Department of Children's Music School № 6.p. Malahovka, children's' Theatre of Fashion. " Students Art Studio and thin. Dep. DMSh number 6. became winners of Moscow and international children's shows. "Vifliemskaya star in Kuzminki", "Golden Brush" in the CHA and Manege (Moscow Committee for Culture). Operation of students came to the exhibition in Paris 2000g.Byla sold. the proceeds were bought textbooks, children's books in Serbia (the Russian Cultural Foundation.) In 2001 and 2002, was the author of the project open-regional exhibition "Spring Moscow "students of art schools and art studios in Moscow and Moscow region. shows were held at the Museum of History and Culture Section Malahovka (Regional Committee for Culture, Committee on Culture Lyubertsy, Administration Section Malahovka) Projects: Participation in the exhibition and catalog "Gallery Our isograph "2007. Moscow International Art Salon "CHA-2007". (9 members) Exhibiting at the publishing house "ARTINDEX" from November 16 to November 26, 2007 San.Peterburg. (Oksana Begma) Participation in the directory publishing Gallery "Our painters" 2008., Moscow (9 pages) Exhibition in GZ "On Kashirka" from 27.12.2007 through 14.01.2008. opening on January 7. Participation in the directory publishing "ARTINDEX '2008. San Petersburg (Oksana Begma) participation in the Moscow International Art Salon "CHA-2008" with 14 - to 24 March 2008. 2 stand (presented 16 artists from Moscow, Mos. Region., Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Tagil. Painting drawing sculpture, carved mammoth tusk) 18 room. 3 floor. "Merkulov Gallery" (Elena Kublitskaya, Yuri Sergeev, Andrei Shvarev, Nina Natapova, Anna Bazyan, Irina Lazareva, Alexander Bobko, Vladimir Merkulov, Galina Adey, Igor Razzhivin, Galina Utin, Nicholas Logvinov.Aleksandr Sirotkin, Oksana Begma, International Painting Competition "Kuznetsk Bridge 11" from 01 to 01.10.2008 International Fair of Monaco from 11 to 19 October 2008. Monaco. 3 International Exhibition "Golden Globe", "Crocus Expo" on October 23-26, 2008. C 15.11.2008 at 04.12 .2008 g "Memories of Summer" Gallery "Chaliapin House Museum. TSPH artists. "Merkulov Gallery": Moscow International Art Salon "CHA-2009" will take place from 20 to 29 March 2009 at the Central House of Artists. Crimean shaft 10 The. Moscow. (place on the bench) - "New Year's Gift Fair CHA-2008" from 5 to December 21, 2nd Floor Hall 14a. Laureate "Talent and Calling 2008" (October 18 Medals awarded the "talent and vocation" of the International Federation of Peace and Accord, an alliance of "Peacemaker")

"Gold medal" "World Alliance Peacemaker" 25.03.2009
The medal "For merits in culture and the arts" 10.04.2009g

International "Art Against AIDS" CHA January 2009
the Moscow International Art Salon CHA-2009.
konkups International Trade Award "Talent and Vocation" CHA March 2009  

The artworks

artist Vladimir Merkulov , Russian artist Vladimir Merkulov , about the artist Vladimir Merkulov , Information about artist Vladimir Merkulov

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