Stanislav Zhukovsky

At the beginning of XX century SY Zhukovsky - one of the most famous and popular landscape in Russia. In the Moscow School of Painting, he was considered the most gifted student and a direct descendant of
I. Levitan . Indeed, even the great landscape painter watched with particular interest to the work of a very young student. Already in 1895, Zhukovsky TPHV participates in exhibitions, he later became one of the founding members of the Union of Russian Artists.
Even before the Zhukovsky of the college in 1899, his painting "Moon Night" was acquired in a collection of the Tretyakov Gallery.
Early landscapes of the artist ("Sunset. Upper Volga" 1897 "Spring Water", 1898, "The beginning of autumn", "Clear autumn. Indian Summer", both 1899, "Moonrise", 1902, "Hotkovo," 1903), written levitanovskoy in the spirit of tradition. Masterfully executed, soft and poetic, they are in every way better scenery teacher.
Zhukovsky was not a philosopher. He was in love with life and beauty of the world and the man tried to capture the unique beauty of each moment, each state of nature. He worked fast, he wrote a large landscapes directly from nature, often in a single session two. The freshness of direct perception, so valued in the late XIX - early XX century., Very important for the Zhukovsky.
In the mid-1900s. his manner is somewhat different, colors get brighter - the influence of the Impressionists, brushstroke becomes more pronounced and energetic, enhanced decorative. So Zhukov sky writes in the future ("March evening," 1904 "Dam", 1909, "Under the Night", 1910, "Autumn. Veranda," 1911 "Fading Asters", "Fresh Snow", both in 1912; " Lake ", 1912-14," Spring ", 1913," Blue Water ", 1914, etc.). Stronger entails the artist "poetry of the manor" ("Departure of the dawn," 1902 series "Sleepless Night", "Morning. Autumn in the estate," 1906 "Sad Thoughts", 1907, "Flowers recent" 1908 "in old alley ", 1913," Park in the fall. Menshikovs old manor ", 1900's, etc.).
However, in Zhukovsky's not just a fad. He spent his childhood on the family estate of his father old Will in Western Belarus. He knew the beauty of estate life, and a sense of loss of the familiar cozy world. The artist's father was deprived of the nobility and property rights for participation in the Polish uprising of 1863 and lived with his family in his estate for the rights of the tenant. Yes, and the artist traveled to Moscow in 1892 to study painting against the wishes of his father, than not only doomed to very severe (in the material sense) exist, but lost for many years to return to their homes.
The artworks