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Gregory S. Sedov (1836-1886)

Eye disease prevented Grigory Sedov Semenovichu work intensively for a long time of his life.

Muscovite by birth, in 1857, he entered the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. In addition to silver medals G. Sedov for his painting "Mercury lulls Argus" (1864) and "Handling Vladimir to Christianity" (1866) is correspondingly small and large gold medal. The last picture was painted in the exhaust offset program, so the academics brought the title of class artist of the first degree, and the right to go through the Academy for six years abroad.

The first three years of travel, GS Sedov spent in Paris (1867-1870). It is known that in addition to sketches and paintings of scenes there the life of the artist executed image of the Holy Trinity in the cupola of the local Russian church.

Blindness in one eye forced the GS Sedov's return to Russia. He paints pictures on the events of Russian history, "Ivan the Terrible and Malyuta Skuratov" (1870), "The Tsar Ivan the Terrible admiring Vasilisa Melentevnu" (1875), "The Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich chooses a bride" (1884).

 Experience in creation of biblical imagery in France helped the artist to paint the church of the Holy Trinity at the Pokrovsky Gates in Moscow and some fragments of the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Academic skills necessary picturesque historical painting GS Sedov had the full, unfortunately, such a claim can not be in relation to its health. Because the artist has not fulfilled all what was intended.

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artist Gregory S. Sedov , Russian artist Gregory S. Sedov , about the artist Gregory S. Sedov , Information about artist Gregory S. Sedov

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