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Kapkov James F. (1816-1854)

In painting, the student having his teacher the great painter, always faces the danger of getting lost in the shadow of the great maestro. Perhaps it happens in most cases, because in order to find his way in the arts and to say their "I" have to have a talent, a talent comparable to the teacher. But the number of geniuses in any form of human activity is determined by the account: one, two, three, four ...

 That is, approximately, was the fate of Russian artist Yakov Fyodorovich Kapkova, serf of Count MS Vorontsov, but sooner received his freedom and went to study at the Academy of Fine Arts (1832-1845).

Since 1836, his teacher was the great KP Brullov . And Yasha Kapkov naturally turned to him, we note that can copycat.

In turbulent times in Europe (1847-1849) was an artist in the pensioner's trip to Italy. Upon returning from her attempts to create something historical and grand style of his teacher fail.

Yet Ya Kapkov find their path in painting. He is a popular performer of women's heads, figures, wearing a slightly exotic character. They are so willing to buy up that even the royal family makes him orders to his collection. These pictures - just typical representations of female characters JF Kapkova. For such images, he often turned to his work, including the stimulated orders. Not shied away from the artist and the more serious work: writing interesting portraits of famous people, participated in the performance of work on the interior design of the churches in various cities of Russia, the Orthodox Church in Munich. He left a noticeable trace in Russian painting JF Kapkov? Such a question is always easier to ask - was a Russian painter of serfs James F. Kapkov.

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artist Kapkov James F. , Russian artist Kapkov James F. , about the artist Kapkov James F. , Information about artist Kapkov James F.

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