River, Лето, Park, Night, flower, Крым, Profile, yellow, Sea, Still Life, Lake, Day, forest, Яхты, cottage, Дача, Mountain, apples, Female nude, masterpiece, Кара Даг, marina, mermaid, дедал, Landscape, Alley, Gzhel, breakfast, river, Channel, Town, paintings, зима, Sky, горы, young, machines,
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Zakharov-Chechen Peter Z. (1816-1846)

Peter Z. Zakharov, a portrait painter (1816 - 1852). For the portrait of General Ermolova (in the museum of Alexander III) was awarded the title of Academician. Among the other works of his outstanding portraits of Dr. Inozemtseva, TN Granovsky, Postnikov portraits, drawn in pencil, family Postnikov, PP Bulakhova (in the Tretyakov Gallery). Several works from Alexander Zakharov Ermolova in St. Petersburg
The artworks
artist Zakharov-Chechen Peter Z. , Russian artist Zakharov-Chechen Peter Z. , about the artist Zakharov-Chechen Peter Z. , Information about artist Zakharov-Chechen Peter Z.