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Verey George S. (1886-1962)

GS Verey has not received formal artistic education. He studied at the Faculty of Kharkov, then the University of St. Petersburg, participated in the events of the first Russian revolution of 1905, there was even some time in custody and was forced into exile (1905-07). Still, he spent several years in the studio EE Schrader in Kharkov, and moved to St. Petersburg (1911) - New art studio, where he taught fine artists.

Even then, he began working as a professional, publishing in the journal "Theater and Art" of his portraits, cartoons and theatrical sketches.
in 1916 - 18 years. was mobilized and was in the military, where every spare moment used for front-line sketches.

 Creative interests Verey decided very early on. He abandoned painting in favor of graphics and always gravitated to the reproduction of reality directly from nature - a landscape and portrait genres.
 During the 1920s and 30s. performed a number of excellent graphic landscape - rural and urban, and subsequently once successfully appealed to the image of the city - in the main streets of Leningrad in the vicinity of his shop. But first love and the main thing was the portrait of the artist's life.

 Perfectly mastered lithography, over the years he has created a huge gallery of portraits of his contemporaries - artists, writers and cultural figures. Among them, the most famous portraits purchased IAOrbeli, VI Kurdova (1942), EELansere (1944), Mravinsky (1947), Galina Ulanova (1950), S. Konenkov (1954), SM Yunovich (1960).
 Having high professional and general culture (he was twelve years old curator of prints at the Hermitage, and wrote a number of scientific articles), Verey was able to naturally and effectively pursue domestic classical tradition in art XX century.

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artist Verey George S. , Russian artist Verey George S. , about the artist Verey George S. , Information about artist Verey George S.

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