Marc Chagall (1887 -1985) In St. Petersburg for two seasons Chagall studied at the Drawing School of the Society for Encouragement of Arts , headed by Nicholas Roerich ( in school he was accepted without examination in the third year ) . In 1909-1911 , the continuing occupation by L. Bakst in private art school EN Zvantseva . Thanks to his friend Victor Vitebsk Meckler and Tay Brahman daughter Vitebsk doctor also who studied in St. Petersburg , Marc Chagall entered the circle of young intellectuals , passion for art and poetry. In 1911, Chagall for scholarships went to Paris , where he continued to study and met with lived in the French capital by artists and poets -garde . Paris Chagall loved once. In the summer of 1914 the artist comes to Vitebsk to meet my family and see Bella. But World War I begins and return to Europe has been postponed indefinitely . July 25, 1915 was the wedding of Bella Chagall . In 1916 they had a daughter Ida, who later became a biographer and scholar of his father . P> In September 1915, Chagall went to Petrograd, entered the service in the Military- Industrial Committee . In 1916, Chagall takes Jewish Society for Encouragement of Arts , in 1917 with his family returned to Vitebsk. After the revolution, the artist appoint commissioners for the Arts in Vitebsk province. January 28, 1919 authorized the College of the Arts in Vitebsk province otkryvaetsyaVitebskoe Marc Chagall Art School . P> In 1920, Chagall left for Moscow and recommendations AM Efros arranged to work in the Moscow Jewish Chamber Theater led by Alexei Granovskogo.On takes part in the decoration of the theater : first draws wall paintings for audiences and the lobby and then the costumes and scenery , including " Love on the stage" with a picture of " a pair of ballet ." In 1921, the theater opened Granovsky play " Sholom Aleichem Evening " designed by Marc Chagall . In 1921 the artist worked as a teacher in a Moscow school of Jewish labor colony «III International" for homeless Malakhovka . P> In 1922, together with his family goes first in Lithuania ( Kaunas runs his show ) , and then to Germany. In the autumn of 1923 at the invitation of Ambroise Vollard family Chagall went to Paris . In 1937, Chagall received French citizenship . P> In 1941 the management of the Museum of Modern Art in New York invites the artist to move from the Nazis controlled France in the U.S., and the summer of 1941 Chagall family arrives in New York. In August 1944 godaShagaly happy to learn about the liberation of Paris. The war was nearing its end , and they can not wait to return to France. But a few days later , September 2, 1944 . P>
Chagall died on March 28, 1985 by 98 -year life in Saint-Paul - de - Vence . Buried in the local cemetery. Until the end of life in his work traced " Vitebsk " motives . There is a " Chagall Committee ", which is composed of four of his heir. Complete catalog of works by the artist no . P> |