briar, Boat, machines, marina, bread, море, Lilac, city , masterpiece, night, bright, Table, Chart, Khokhloma, watercolor, горы, восток, vase, Village, Flowers, Landscape, People, Clouds, field, Bridge, nude, sledge, picture, flood, Russia, Scarecrow, Road, женщина, дедал, winter, River,
 code at our gallery
Simon A. Pavlov (1893-1942)

Russian Soviet graphic artist, a fine draftsman charcoal and sanguine. Painter. Teacher.
Being an employee of artistic engraving department of the Petrograd factories Goznaka, attended school Society for the Encouragement of Arts.
After high school in 1917 - 1922 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts
Konashevych .
In 1922 - 1927 he was a member of the "Community of Artists", was one of the founding members of the Leningrad branch of AHRR - AChRs (since 1924).
From 1929 he taught at the Leningrad VHUTEINe, since 1932 - in VKhUTEMAS.
The artworks
artist Simon A. Pavlov , Russian artist Simon A. Pavlov , about the artist Simon A. Pavlov , Information about artist Simon A. Pavlov