Petersburg, девочка, officers, pipe, Watch, dish, Ships, Winter palace, дедал, window, River, крепость, портрет, table, Лазурный берег, footpath, melody, ships, feast, полет, twilight, бронза, People, Clouds, Village, Quay, Saint Petersburg, Green, Channels, garden, crow, лето, abstraction, Sea, Spring, Vase, Alley,
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Avrorin Vasily Mikhailovich (1805 - 1855)Deacon in the Church of the Resurrection Barat, in Moscow, a painter, a student of Alexei Gavrilovic Venetsianov . Son of a sacristan village Petrovsky Mozhaiskogo County, retired Metropolitan Filaret in St. Petersburg. in 1820. He was born in 1805, died in Moscow on June 20, 1855 In Moscow, the way they were written was the views, "Circles Church of the Resurrection in Barat, from the gate of the monastery it," "Sparrow Hills, the barracks, from the lodge", "Zaprudnov Mamonova settlement with the house." In the words of her daughter Avrorina. {PP} Polovtsov Information obtained from
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artist Avrorin Vasily Mikhailovich , Russian artist Avrorin Vasily Mikhailovich , about the artist Avrorin Vasily Mikhailovich , Information about artist Avrorin Vasily Mikhailovich