Astaltsev Viktor Vladimirovich (1927-1994)
The fate of the artist as a drop of water reflects the huge world, convex, surround, talent transformed into a magical Masters of the Universe image. Particularly in Russia has always respected painters, is the beauty of God's creation, the audience, and not to distort or destroy it. Among the people who are particularly thin to feel the harmony of the world, was an artist who is dedicated to this short story, which, according to Michael Alpatov "like the masters of Russian art, such as Apollinaris Vasnetsov , Konstantin Korovin , Isaac Levitan and Konstantin Yuon , his talent sluzhitpochetnoy problem recreating the art of the poetic world of Russian prirodyi Russian architecture. " At the end of the epic is for the current generation in 1927 in a village in the southern Urals Mesyagutovo near Ufa, in the wondrous land, PavlomBazhovym sung in the "Mistress of the Copper Mountain", was born a wonderful russkiyhudozhnik Astaltsev Victor, whose work is one of his exhibitions postoyannyhposetiteley called "beautiful songs about Russia ". To come to this beautiful world he had a chance at all in the most beautiful and in very harsh times. Ekaterina St. George-Levitskaya drove the boy to the forest, the mountains, taught to admire the nature, the sky, the earth, to see the harmony of God's world, taught kindness and responsibility to this world. Her bright image of the artist carried in my heart and memory until the end of his days. He often recalled and stories of the old teacher Mary IvanovnyZaharovoy, razglyadevshy in fatherless artistic talent of rossiyskoyistorii about Russian culture, the old "royal" times. And began his work with children's drawings, which he movingly portrayed gentle belostvolnye birches dobryhdomashnih animal illustrations to the classics of Russian literature, which he has always loved and knew. At that time - in the years 1948-50. Victor Astaltsevuchilsya a correspondence course of drawing and painting people's Academy in Moscow. Suitcase with army figures, unfortunately, has remained ufrontovogo friend forever. Discharged in 1951, Victor entered the Moscow Art School of 1905, in the theatrical set design department. Despite the entreaties of friends, actors throw "their daub" and engage in artistic career in 1958, having worked for three years put on distribution, entered the Moscow Art institutimeni Surikov . In the Members of the Union of Artists was adopted in 1964, immediately after graduation in college. Since 1957 he has been actively involved in numerous All-Union, republican and regional exhibitions, which was not easy in those atheistic years. Artist who painted churches and monasteries instead of party leaders and party congresses, had hard times. But nevertheless, kept up personal painting exhibition Astaltseva in Moscow, the Moscow region, in different cities of the country. Several hundred of his works are in those "exit" during fall beyond the borders of the Soviet Union: the United States, Germany, Britain, Japan, Syria, Greece, the Netherlands and other countries of the world. The artworks |