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Goriushkin-Sorokopudov Ivan Muscles (1873-1954)

Birthplace of the famous artist Ivan domestic Muscles Goriushkin-Sorokopudov on the ground in the Tambov peasant family. Parents Ivan Goryushkina died early, and took the young child fatherless upbringing Sorokopudovy distant relatives who lived in Saratov.

The boy worked "at buffet" on the Volga steamships and a lot of drawing. The world is not without good people. One of the passengers, become acquainted with the young man and his "artistic", persuaded him to go to Astrakhan and in school PA Vlasov, who studied painting at once VG Perov .

The fate of the talented teenager determined: with who later became well-known artists (among them, and a great BM Kustodiev ) I. Goryushkin was a good school PA Vlasova, "engrafted academic attitude to fine craftsmanship." In 1895, he entered the Graduate School of Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in the Department of Painting. Two years later, became a student of IE Repin , which maintained good relations.

In 1902 Goriushkin-Sorokopudov ends Academy of Fine Arts and is recorded in the diploma "For excellent knowledge of art and science subjects, proved them during their stay in the department of painting and sculpture of the School, was awarded the title of the artist." It starts with self-study.

The range of interests of the young master is wide enough - a historical painting, portrait, landscape. At the exhibitions of his paintings appear distant antiquity: "Princely at Mass," "Woman quietest time of the king," "Corner of the past", "Easter Eve in the old days", "giving alms to the Holy Night in Old Russia." In 1903, he graduated from becoming known to the painting "Weeping Yaroslavny." On the events of 1905 Goriushkin-Sorokopudov responded cycle of their work. In 1903 the artist moved to Penza, where he became a professor of urban art school. The city include his subsequent life and work. In the first years of Soviet power Goriushkin-Sorokopudov looking for its place in the new life. In his works, he tries to capture the events taking place in front of him, addresses the topic of VI Lenin. Despite its considerable age, the artist was headed from 1942 to 1947 Penza Art College. In the history of Russian painting Goriushkin-Sorokopudov and will remain an artist-worker, artist and patriot.

The artworks

artist Goriushkin-Sorokopudov Ivan Muscles , Russian artist Goriushkin-Sorokopudov Ivan Muscles , about the artist Goriushkin-Sorokopudov Ivan Muscles , Information about artist Goriushkin-Sorokopudov Ivan Muscles

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