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Beaudry Karl-Friedrich P. (1812-1894)

After receiving basic education at the Moscow School of Painting and Sculpture (1833-1839) (specialty and therefore the word "architecture" will appear in the title of the College in 1865), Karl-Friedrich P. Beaudry was awarded the title of the artist after his graduation. However, some time since 1843 K.-F. Beaudry visited St. Petersburg Academy of Arts volnoprihodyaschim student. The rest of his life Beaudry lived mainly in Moscow, where he produced his major works. He worked as an artist in a variety of genres, what may indicate a list of some of his works: "Self-Portrait" (1839), "Country Scene" (1840), "Vitali Sculptor at Work" (1841), "The Cabinet PO Box Chaadaeva" " The master sculptor Vitali, "" Portrait of a father "," Moscow. Krivokolenny View Lane in the summer of 1848 "(1848)," Moscow. outpost at the entrance to the city "(1849).

Beaudry skill to 1850s has increased so much that he could no longer claim the title of first "assigned" to the Academy (awarded in 1857), then the academician (1860), for which the artist was presented to the Council of the Academy of the painting "Procession at Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. " The title of academician of painting in the XIX century, it was a very honorable and bring tangible material benefits. And, above all, it is indicative of a certain level of skill of the artist. K.-F. Beaudry performed his works at a time when Russian art was famous names of the artists. Of course, the artist gave way to many of them. He was a master of reliable "second tier", as evidenced by his works, which are in many museums around the country.

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artist Beaudry Karl-Friedrich P. , Russian artist Beaudry Karl-Friedrich P. , about the artist Beaudry Karl-Friedrich P. , Information about artist Beaudry Karl-Friedrich P.

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