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Svedomsky Pavel (1849 - 1904)

Future famous artist Pavel Svedomsky born in St. Petersburg, graduated at the Düsseldorf Academy of Fine Arts (1870), worked in the studio of M. Munkácsy in Munich, he settled in Rome, where he lived all his life. (Note that all of the action he made with his older brother only a year and is also an artist - Alexander Svedomsky.)

He worked on his paintings of the artist in Rome, regularly sending them to the exhibitions in St. Petersburg and other cities in Europe, where often received medals for his paintings. Yet there have been years when the PA Svedomsky appeared in St. Petersburg and even to his estate in the province of Perm.

A special place in his life and work is involved in the decoration of the cathedral in Kiev, where its contribution to the overall work is significant. PA Svedomsky wrote six large paintings devoted to the last days of the earthly life of Christ, painted cathedral ceiling lamps. Itself an invitation to perform a specified order - evidence of great skill of the painter. Indeed, PA Svedomsky was an artist of European standards for education and academics main creative direction.

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artist Svedomsky Pavel , Russian artist Svedomsky Pavel , about the artist Svedomsky Pavel , Information about artist Svedomsky Pavel

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