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Tupylev Philippovich Ivan (1758-1821)

Tupylev (Ivan Philippovich, 1758 - 1821) - a historical painter and portraitist, a graduate of the Imperial Academy of Arts from 1764 Got a drawing for two silver medals (in 1774 and 1777, respectively), in 1778 he was awarded a small gold medal, and then in the next was awarded to him, first of all the gold medal, established by Mrs. Rzhevsk for artists who distinguished themselves in the expression. Being in the same 1779 sent at public expense abroad, improved in Paris. On his return to St. Petersburg has received titles: appointed to the Academy in 1785, an academician and associate professor in 1794 and finally professor in 1800, was the director of the Imperial Tapestry.

He painted portraits only of the image and ladies of the royal family and other distinguished persons. From his works are known: the painting "Belisarius" (located at the Museum of the Academy of Fine Arts) and the image of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg: "Conception of St. Anna" and "Education of the Virgin" (in the main iconostasis), and "The Appearance of the Risen Christ, the Apostle Thomas" (in the iconostasis of the right aisle).

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artist Tupylev Philippovich Ivan , Russian artist Tupylev Philippovich Ivan , about the artist Tupylev Philippovich Ivan , Information about artist Tupylev Philippovich Ivan

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