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Le Dante Mikhail Vasilyevich (1891-1917)

Mikhail Le Dante is one of the painters who were able for the lightning-quick life term given to him by fate, to fully realize their gift, to become a true artist, a master. Ensign Cherdynskii Regiment Le Dante, twenty-six and a half years, died in First World War in the crash, as eyewitnesses, shelled train near Proskurova (now Khmelnitsky), where he was buried. Not preserved tomb of the artist, as has been preserved and most of his works - they are scattered around the world in a serious war and the first years after the revolution. Circle surviving works is small: no more than a dozen paintings, two or three album with sketches and songs - that's all that remains of the once vast heritage around eighty canvases were listed in a list compiled friends after the death of the artist. The artistic level of the remaining items, however, is so high that it becomes clear - no research papers Le Dante history of Russian art would be incomplete. Such a study, followed, hopefully, new finds - in the future, as long as the artist is surrounded by many mysteries. surname Le Dante nevertheless well known in Russian history. One of the dramatic, beautiful its pages - the life and deeds of the young Frenchwoman Camille Le Dante that followed his elect, Decembrist V.P.Ivashevym, Siberia and who managed to get permission for the wedding in jail. Sentenced to hard labor for his daughter and son-in, breaking the bureaucratic obstacles, the mother came Camilla, Maria Petrovna - both in the Russian manner Frenchwoman called Marie-Cecile, nee Vabl. Marie-Cecile, her first husband Varma, settled in Russia in the late 18th century, together with her ​​second husband, Pierre Le Dante. Her eldest daughter Sidonia, marrying Simbirsk landowner VI Grigorovich, was the mother of Dmitry Vasilyevich Grigorovich, the future writer. The younger son of Maria, Eugene P. Le Dante, was the great-grandfather of the artist in a straight line. Rhode Le Dante Russified in the first half of the 19th century, and his father Mikhail lived a heroic life of an ordinary Russian intelligentsia raznochinets: medical student, a member of the revolutionary Democratic Movement, a political exile. In exile in the village Chizhovo Bezhitsk County Tver province, at a local doctor VV Le Dante son. A mother with a little boy returned to St. Petersburg shortly after the death of her husband, who died in the early work on the cholera epidemic. In 1908, Mikhail graduated from a technical school. A passion for painting shown at three or four, but only managed to hand hold a pencil, led a young man, first in the studio YY Tsionglinskogo then - Vernshteyna, and a year later, in the summer of 1909, he entered the Academy of Fine Arts. Le Dante maturing as a person and as an artist goes fast, as if in anticipation of a short course of life. Student Le Dante close relations with a group of artists formed the "Union of Youth" aggressively seeking new ways in art, striving for creativity, adequate people 20 century. In 1911, Mikhail involved in the production of popular drama "King Maximilian and his rebellious son Adolf", the element of Russian folk long fascinated him, imparting a taste for folk art.


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artist Le Dante Mikhail Vasilyevich , Russian artist Le Dante Mikhail Vasilyevich , about the artist Le Dante Mikhail Vasilyevich , Information about artist Le Dante Mikhail Vasilyevich

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