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Bogomolov Peter Gavrilovic (1707 -?)

Question marks in the dates of birth and death, of course, no accident. About him, except he signed and extant small number of paintings, virtually nothing is known. And it is working on the album because the artist is a rare genre of painting, for example, is not a serious genre, received Russian name "snag". However, the picture showed a similar genre painter of high technology and its precise eye, because the reality of the presence of objects passed, which in fact was not. And when the guest masters Sheremetyevy (it is in their homestead was this "snag") was trying to take out of the cabinet painted painted the book, then, apparently, this attempt was accompanied by an explosion of laughter and prolonged laughter.

Let us also recall that took place to be or not, ancient Greek myth of the contest in the art of painting of two artists, one of which is painted bunches of grapes, and other hangings, supposedly covering the picture. And although painted grapes flocked birds wishing "eat" them, the author of this painting conceded defeat after being asked his colleague to remove the painted drapery. Let us recall the famous words woefully-loser, they sound like: "I cheated a bird, you're his skill misled the artist."

The artworks

artist Bogomolov Peter Gavrilovic , Russian artist Bogomolov Peter Gavrilovic , about the artist Bogomolov Peter Gavrilovic , Information about artist Bogomolov Peter Gavrilovic

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