Pushkarev Prokofij Ye (1821-1856)Little do we know about the life and work of Prokofy Egorovicha Pushkarev. Volnoprihodyaschim he was student of the Academy of Fine Arts since 1845. At the same time received a silver medal, and the next year - a large silver for the "family picture" (now kept at the State Russian Museum). In 1848, PE Pushkarev was awarded the title of artist XIV class. Subsequently, he worked as a portraitist and perspektivist (the State Tretyakov Gallery are works by the painter "Portrait of an Unknown Woman in lace cape" and "In the rooms"). On the skill of the artist reproduced here shows the interior. It masterfully transferred to the internal state of the rooms and halls painted with amazingly true perspective and aspect ratio of the size of people, paintings and other items. The artist's works are of great interest as a witness of his time. For example, the pattern "in the rooms" gives an idea of the family, no doubt having the material means to satisfy to some extent, his love of fine art: paintings and sculptures are chosen with taste and belong to the originals or copies of the apparently well-known masters.
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